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Services Provided

Boost your health and well-being through services that offer partnership, feedback, support, training, and accountability. Reach your mental, physical, and spiritual health goals with expert guidance and support from The Contribution Key!


Michele's works with individuals working to:

  • age well

  • improve their auto-immune disorder

  • reduce long-term symptoms

  • provide family caregiving

  • live out a healthier lifestyle

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This website is designed to offer information on The Contribution Key’s services. This site, its material, and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Do not construe any information on this site, or its associated material, as medical advice and please consult with your provider for any health issues, diagnostic needs and medical care.

Keep in mind that communication via this website and associated email is not considered private, though communication through the coaching portal (YourCoach portal) is HIPAA compliant and communication through the portal is protected.


FTC: some links may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission off any sales.

Michele's Story video filmed and edited by


© 2022 by Michele Buenger and secured by Wix

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